Thursday, July 15, 2021

Gardening Trends: The Edible Garden


The backyard garden is a hot trend even more this year than last according to the orders from garden magazines and garden supply companies.

Rooftop gardens, fire escape gardens, and container gardening ideas are popping up in towns and cities everywhere. The use of vertical growing along walls and chain link fences is becoming a common sight in busy downtown areas.

Many years back the garden was a mix of ornamentals and the edible – roses beside tomatoes, beds edged with herbs and veggies used as annuals. And many flowers were used as arrangements one moment and as salad decorations or spices the next.

As both parents went to work and more time was spent away from the home, gardening and the use of space were set aside. But times are changing.

With the trend towards “Going Green” lawns are being replaced with herbs, edible gardens and moveable gardens. With less emphasis on a green lawn there is a large decrease in the use of water, saving the family money and time. This is also  creating more growing space.

There is also a movement to turn the front lawn into vegetable gardens and rain gardens. This garden plan uses mulches and hardscape for the design and mixed planting of edible shrubs, herbs and plants for color and interest.

If your thinking of revamping your lawn to a more environmentally friendly garden area your local garden center will be able to help you select edible plants and shrubs.

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